Week 8-23 - Photos

20 February 2023: Third or fourth winter has arrived so things are deeply in cozy and planning.

21 February 2023: The snow/thaw cycle this pre-spring has been insane. Cantankerous is the only word for it.

22 February 2023: However, spring is right around the corner, and that means it's time to plan this years food growing. We'll be planting greenhouse, large outside three sisters plot, and two straw bale beds "coldframe" and hot bed. Ambitious expansion of food production this year.

23 February 2023: No caption required.

24 February 2023: Herbs, vegetables, and flowers. We'll also be putting in some berries.

25 February 2023: Cold and snow means time for some experimental baking - cardamom buns. They were delicious dunked in coffee and/or tea.

26 February 2023: No caption required. Dog.