Week 5-23 - Haibuno

30 January 2023
A satisfaction
to feel your own agency
your own hands, doing
Doing the things that make me jam happy and proud. The pride of accomplishment. I did that. It is beautiful. It makes me smile. Done.

31 January 2023
Second submission
I’m maintaining momentum
pursuing my dreams
Like an old-timey cowboy saying “no way, no how!”, boots kicking up dust, and chewing on a big old blade of grass.

01 February 2023
Closing is scheduled
they creeped in, removed stuff
and left silently
We have been daydreaming the next incarnation of what I’m calling the ‘dream denied’ sheds. We will turn them into something useful, inspiring, and faithful to the stuff that was left behind. They will be turned into something that lets new ideas flourish, bodies to move, and space to be occupied by even more daydreaming, ad infinitum.

02 February 2023
Signed the closing docs
must sign the check, pick up keys
quick and painless buy
When everything seems to be bogged down, I cherish when things go smoothly and painlessly.

03 February 2023
Security up
maybe a false sense of peace
maybe boondoggle
The pre-trip anxiety reaches a fever pitch. What’s if’s become de rigueur. I keep saying “it will all be fine” (and it was). But still the mind latches on to the whirling dervishes and gets stuck to the wall by the force of friction combined with inertia. Even when nothing is moving.

04 February 2023
Oatmeal pumpkin cakes
bad night of sleep from racing brain
quiet slo-mo day
Maturity: sometimes you have to move on even when you’re not ready.

05 February 2023
Stop Covid tracking
three years of careful surveil
it’s time to move on
Ready to adventure, to sally forth, to flâneuse with abandon. Time to hit the big city again, to roam the backroads, to wander and wonder, and converse with strangers. It’s been too long keeping tabs of current situations, and not letting the body and mind be free together. I will end it the day I started it, and then it will only exist as historical fact.
Would you like to receive a drawing/haiku postcard? Please send your address to postcards at hargie dot com. And I’ll get one out to you tout de suite.