Week 33-23 - Photos
14 August 2023: Day 2 of building the firewood shelter - roof on, and done... Prepping the firewood rack for delivery the next day.
15 August 2023: Firewood shelter racked and stacked. 2 cords of mix. We are set for the winter.
16 August 2023: More much need rain.
17 August 2023: The virga and sky watching has been really good...
18 August 2023: Officially on a wee vacation, mostly stay with some adventuring. Ute Mountain near the CO/NM border.
19 August 2023: A rare day of reading on the couch. Haven't finished a book in ages, determined to get this finished - Cixin Liu's Death's End
20 August 2023: Near Cimarron, NM coming out of the Valle Vidal.